Robin called in to this show on England’s Channel Radio station for a pretty nice long interview. You can listen to it here:
I don’t know how to link to it directly, but Robin’s episode is the one on top right now. If you’re reading this too far into the future, it might be lower on the page, or bumped off entirely if they don’t archive them someplace.
Dave Barry is also an actor who has crossed paths with Robin down through the years in shows such as “Fenn Stret Gang” and “Bottle Boys” which they briefly mention.
They start out by talking about his recent “Misty Moon” shows and how he got started doing those. They also go back and talk about his schooling and how he got started in the acting business, and then go on to mention various movies and shows he was in, everything from Alfred the Great and If to Bless this House and Please Sir to On the House and Beryl’s Lot to Horror Hospital and of course, the Confessions films.
Robin picks out some songs for Dave to play, which are interspersed throughout, and explains why he chose them: Dire Straits “Money for Nothing”, Pink Floyd’s "Arnold Layne", Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition” and Julia Fordham’s "Porcelain" – which he dedicates to his current girlfriend Tracey, who is actually a former love who he’s apparently re-kindled the flame with! Good for him, but there goes my backup plan of “moving to Gozo and finding Robin” if my marriage should ever go sour! ;)
He does also talk about Gozo a bit, how long he’s lived there so far and how it’s quite a long journey to get to but worth it once you’re there.
Future plans: he filmed an episode of “Benidorm” last week so that’s something for us to look forward to! He didn’t say if he’ll be playing the same character as last time. Also in the works is an episode of Emmerdale, which he’s been filming in Leeds this week. His character will be a guy who owns a Fun Fair. I never heard of that show before, so it’ll be a new one for me to hunt down. He says these soaps are a lot of fun to do and what a great time he had playing the rock star not too long ago on Coronation Street. What we won’t be seeing him in anymore are pantos, he says those are really tiring to do.
Loved listening to this, and glad he’s still being active!
Joe 12
1 week ago
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