Another year gone by! And I haven't posted at all since last year, ahhh! This nice current photo of Robin I took off Twitter, so whoever took it, my apologies for copying it and I will credit you if you want to leave a message. (Or if you want me to remove it I'll do that.) I just thought it was a great pic of him looking still wonderful and happy and active, and of course, wearing a super cool Brian Jones shirt, who is another of my idols.
And, good news, speaking of Twitter, Robin IS now (sortof) on Twitter, so we can keep up with his latest projects and appearances. It's actually his girlfriend Tracy's account @T_JCrocker but it looks like he comes on it every now and then to answer questions. And she definitely posts a lot of old and new stuff about him! So happy she's brought him into the internet age!
I do miss the days when I was actively seeking out films to watch and review, someday I will have to get back into "search" mode and see if any of the stuff I was never able to find has surfaced.
So, anyway, Robin, if you secretly read this, have a happy day, and here's to at least 67 more!
Joe 12
1 day ago