Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Madame Blanc Mysteries - Season 3, Episode 1 - January 4, 2024 - "Ocean"

The opening episode of season 3 finds Jeremy and Judith lending their boat to a couple of marine biologists who are mining the local seabed for precious metals.

Unfortunately, something goes wrong during the dive and one of them dies underwater. At first it is thought to be a tragic accident but Major Caron thinks otherwise and asks Jean White to help do some sleuthing. A couple of red herrings are thown into the plot to make us go down wrong paths but I pretty much had my suspicions from the start.

A silly little side story is thrown in about townsperson Gloria's dad having to impose himself on Jeremy and Judith unexpectedly in the middle of the night that provides a few smiles.

He makes a general nuisance of himself, much to Jeremy's dismay.

Jean White steps in and saves the day by arranging to get him a ticket to a concert to get him out of town, ha ha...

And oh yeah, she winds up solving the murder case as well!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Madame Blanc Mysteries - Christmas Episode - Dec 22, 2023

The free streaming channel I was using to watch season 2 still is not carrying season 3 so I signed up for the Acorn channel to get access to it. Roku had a flash sale where you could get it for 99 cents a month for two months so I grabbed it while I could!

According to the Wikipedia page, this isn't really part of the 3rd season but a standalone special, but Acorn classifies it as Season 3, episode 0.

So, anyway, Jeremy and Judith have been invited to a historic hotel by the owners in hopes to get them to invest. The couple invite their pals along for a Christmas treat, as they are going to be holding a fun "murder mystery night" event.

But right before the dinner, the owner of the hotel gets shot! Right in front of everybody! But the lights had gone out and in the confusion no one knows what happened!

Luckily, Chief Caron from back home had been invited and he quickly steps in and starts the investigation.
With Jean's help, in the midst of a dark and stormy night, of course it gets solved by the end. Not really a whole lot of Christmassy things going on other than the decorations. It probably would have been a better Halloween episode, in my opinion!