Well, hello! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I know I've been neglecting this blog terribly, but it's been a busy couple years for me. I do see that Robin's been in a few things lately and hopefully I can get to see those soon.
One thing I just watched is "Conjuring: The Book of the Dead" from 2019.... and unfortunately part of the "Evil Calls: The Raven" series that I reviewed
HERE a LONG time ago.
It is currently on the free Tubi Channel, the home of tons of bad low-budget films. If you want to go watch it for yourself, go on over now because - WARNING! - this review will have major spoilers.
Robin again has a very small part in it, again plays Vincent Carney, brother of George Carney, whose wife he was having an affair with.
George Carney is the star of this one. In "Evil Calls" he had descended into madness after learning of the affair and (I think) killed his family? Can't fully remember. But now he's a writer who is writing a screenplay about the event (So...does this mean the events in the first movie didn't happen?)

BUT weird things are going to happen to him in this one as well anyway. His editor sends him off to New Orleans to find out info about a rare book she had just bought which was supposedly a secret book Aleister Crowley had written just before his death. There he meets occultists in a strip club/whorehouse type place who explain things and take advantage of him so as to suit their own agenda. Which turns out to be (here's the spoiler alert!) that he is actually the grandson of Aleister Crowley himself and everyone is in on the plot (even Robin!) to get him to conceive a child with one of the occultists. One amusing fact that comes out is that he shares a birthday with his grandfather -- which is October 12....which if you're a Robin fan you know that it is also HIS birthday. Now, I never knew that! Pretty funny!