I can't believe another year has come around again! Hope Robin is having a great day!
I must mention one of those cosmic occurences that happened in my own life last week. My husband and I have been looking for a new car for me...my old one has way too much wrong with it to put anymore money into it. Anyway, been looking around, nothing has excited me too much. Last weekend, I saw a car in a lot in the color I like from the highway and we stopped in. The salesman who came out was probably in his 60s, and introduced himself as Robin, with a last name starting with A. Hehe, I'm taking it as a sign that this is our car. Just thought it was weird, as Robin is a pretty rare name for a man here in the U.S., it's mostly thought of as a female name. So yes, the universe has spoken! Still need to take it for a test drive, though.
Bannerman (1974, Charlie Chester)
6 days ago